Look what eventually arrived in the post! Through no fault of Claudia AKA Wollmeise I hasten to add. The yarn was delivered while I was on holidays and because it was registered they'd only hold it for three days before returning it. She was really kind to send it on again. Thanks Claudia!
Sockenwolle 80/20 in Red Hot Chili intensity medium
Sockenwolle 80/20 Peppermint Prinz in intensity medium. This is almost peacock shaded.
Aren't they just delicious? I can see what all the hype was about. Photos don't do these guys justice, the intensity of the colours, particularly the peppermint is unreal. The texture of the skein is great too; really firm but oh so squishy! I can't wait to knit these babies up!
Pattern suggestions welcome! I'm thinking Pomatomus socks for the peppermint, the other I'm not so sure, maybe a clapotis? Would I have enough yardage in 510 yards?
Project progress:
The hourglass socks are progressing, slowly but surely. These require concentration, so when I'm at home and have a free quiet minute, (yeah right) I do a few rounds.
I don't have startitis, no, not me. This new project is a figment of your imagination. It doesn't exist. But, for those of you suffering from delusions, here's the details:
Dylan Goes Electric from IK Summer 2005. For hubby for Christmas. I'm making the 50" chest as he's a big bloke. I hope to have it finished for Christmas Day (hahahaha).
I'm using the recommended yarn, Cascade Sierra. So far, so good, although it must be said this is being heavily modded. I decided I've had enough of sewing seams together as I suck like a duck at it, so here goes Elizabeth Zimmermann's EPS to knit it in the round. I did a gauge swatch (I know, I can't believe it either) and I got 5 sts to 1" so that's 250 sts = 100%. The rest is hopefully going to fall into place. We'll see. I swear though, if this works, I shall be the greatest knitter ever. Seriously this is a total wing it job. Still, you gotta try!
Here's a pic of my ultra scientific A+ art job of a sweater with the %ages worked out. Eat your heart out Michelangelo...
I shall leave you with a pic of where I wish I was now. Sunny Florida, by the pool in my SIL's fantabulous holiday home, knitting on my hourglass socks. If I were there, they'd have been finished now. :( only 50 weeks to go until next time......
BTW, all comments must state how uncannily like Heidi Klum I am in my tantalising swimsuit. Any others may bugger off with all due respect and kindness.
Happy week!
P.S Spot the butterfly by my shoulder? It was a dead one hubby found on the ground and thought would look "great" in the photo. Like I was Sleeping Beauty or something summoning nature to me. Personally I think it looks dead and reminds me more of Giselle in Enchanted in New York when she summons nature and rats and pigeons arrive...