Sunday 14 December 2008

Yay for progress

Progress is good, no matter the price. My house is in a heap of mess and dust bunnies, my daughter has forgotten what I look like and my hubby has gone neglected and hungry (too bad awww).

But! look! progress!

After many false starts I finally finished the body of the jumper up to the armpits last night. I am so proud of myself that I'm amazed my head fits in the living room. Perseverance does pay off. I then promptly cast on for the sleeves and after about 6 fudges and restarts, I think I finally have it. Of course I've written it down for sleeve 2. I'm learning!

The sleeves were miles too wide to start with, so I've cast on 20% (EZ's EPS wizardry) on a smaller needle and after 2 1/2" moved up to the correct size.
Do you think I'll be done for Christmas?

My secret pal got her package the other day. I really hope she liked it, I tried really hard to put in some unusual things that you wouldn't be inclined to buy for yourself. Here's a pic of the package (Ravlink)

As for my previous dilemma, I have decided not to knit the socks for my hairdressers daughter. If during the Christmas break I find myself at a loose end knitting wise (hahaha I have soo many things I want to knit, especially a colourwork afghan) then I may cast on. Sod the consequences, knitting is meant to be a pleasureable activity, particularly for the knitter and I wouldn't enjoy that, I'd feel like I had been railroaded into it.

Really not much else to report, except this crappy picture (you try and take a picture of a Christmas tree with the lights on and not using a flash) to show that some things are worth putting down the knitting for. This was yesterdays hard work. I think I'm finally feeling the Christmas spirit now!


Tara said...

Wow, you've done an AMAZING job! Will I jinx it if I say you'll be done on time? I really think you will! Love tree, by the way. Now all you need are some carols, and you'll be good to go.

Bionic Laura said...

Sweater is looking good. I'm rooting for you here! You'll get it done. Go go knitting.

Anonymous said...

I think you're very smart not to knit something you don't want to--you're right, you're supposed to enjoy it!

Love the jumper, wow!